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Re: French pronunciation (Was: Re: Fw: [wika] Boreanesian)

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Sunday, May 21, 2000, 5:36
> Isn't it odd? Most Americans, I think, are willing to put up with >someone's accent, and unless it's really bad, manage to figure things out. >Except for those raging xenophobes, who wouldn't like a foreigner even if >s/he spoke perfect English! My experience in the Spanish speaking world >and >in Indonesia was always good, too.
That's true. Most people I know are very forgiving of people's accents unless they are horrible. I'm actually pretty patient and forgiving unless I absolutely cannot understand what someone is saying. My Spanish speaking friends are also very forgiving of people who at least try to speak the language to them (one says he's just appreciative they're at least trying). And, also i've noticed Filipinos tend to be very forgving (part of this may be a cultural thing, not wanting to embarass them in front of other people, or it just may be the Filipinos I know ;) ). ________________________________________________ Soon to be a member of the procrastinators club, once i get around to joining.