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Droppin' Ds

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Tuesday, September 19, 2000, 23:22
Howdy all. I have been figuring out some interesting (to me at least)
sound changes from Vulgar Latin, into a brand new con-romancelang. Because
I have been so busy with school, i've only been able to think about the
sound changes.

One of the changes I like is the dissappearance of d in certain places.

What I have so far for it is (i'm using Spanish words here to illustrate
my point):

- Initially, and in certain consonant clusters, d remains:  diablo >
diablo. comiendo > comiendo

- between vowels and finally, d gets dropped; comprando > comprao,
libertad > libertá. In the first example for this rule, the a and o
combine to form a diphthong, /au/. The second, the accent over the final a
keeps the stress in the last syllable.  (a book I have says that

A few more:

- Medially, before i and e, c is pronounced as /ts/. Initially, it's /s/
(but I have been thinking of /tS/). To represent this, I thought i'd use c
cedilla ( ç ) for that sound..

- Initially, au remains, but in other positions it becomes /o/. Not sure
how natural that is.

- f stays as it is, like most of the other Romance languages: facere >
facere > façer.

- when in VL, there was an initial s + consonant, as in Spanish, an e is
put in front of it, but, the s is dropped: strictu > estreço > etreço (c
cedilla represents the /ts/ sound the way I am doing this)

- ct becomes /ts/, represented by c cedilla again: nocte > noçe, strictu >

From thinking about examples as I tweaked the rules a bit, it sounded to
me in my mind as if there's elements of all the different romance-langs in
it, sound wise.