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Re: O-ogonek

From:daniel andreasson <daniel.andreasson@...>
Date:Monday, May 8, 2000, 15:38
> > It is used to show that it is an umlauted <a> afaik. It's called > > "o med kvist" or "o med hake" here in Scandinavia. That's "o with > > a twig" or "o with a hook".
Both Danny and James wondered:
> If I understand correctly, ON o-ogonek became modern å. [Orthographically, > is the ring actually representative of a letter o?]
Hmm... o-ogonek was [O], i.e. short. Afaik <å> developed from <á> which was the long from of /a/ and possibly rounded already in ON times. So - but this is a mere guess - I think that o-ogonek still is <o> and pronounced [O] or in some cases it went back to <a> [a] due to analogy. That is, if all the words in a paradigm had <a> and only one had <o-ogonek> then it was likely to change back to <a> as well. I think this is correct. BPJ? Anyone? Please? :) Daniel