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Re: Acute accents over non-vowels

From:Isidora Zamora <isidora@...>
Date:Sunday, September 14, 2003, 22:50
<snip instructions for accessing keymap>

Thank you for the instructions.

>Why not spell ng as U+014A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ENG (Š) and >U+014B LATIN SMALL LETTER ENG? (ŋ)? Or maybe as ñ Ñ?
The characters weren't displayed properly on my computer. BTW, thank you for correcting me. The name of the character is "eng", not "ang." I have no idea how long I've been mispronouncing it. If I guess correctly, you have just given me the Unicode numbers for upper and lower case eng. I've considered using eng, and would prefer it to a digraph in many ways (mainly because I don't like the idea of putting an accent over one half of a digraph.) But I haven't been certain how it would look or how many hassels it would cause. Do the engs exist in accented versions or would I have to try to position an accent over them? What's a good first choice for a Unicode font containing the accented sonorant consonants, eng, and [E] and [O], all in upper and lower case? Isidora


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>