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Re: meanings not in english

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Sunday, May 11, 2003, 16:07
Steg Belsky scripsit:

> 'sketching' is just > non-malicious; my prototypical example of sketching is a student making > up an untrue reason why they missed class. They're not trying to hurt > the teacher, they're just trying to get themself out of trouble. 'fish > stories' would also fall under the 'sketch' category.
The Catholic church, which has reasons to distinguish kinds of sins, does make this distinction, thus making the types of lies threefold: malicious, officious, and jocose lies. Officious lies are those told to benefit oneself or another. (.Sigmonster did a gooood job here!) -- Is a chair finely made tragic or comic? Is the John Cowan portrait of Mona Lisa good if I desire to see it? Is the bust of Sir Philip Crampton lyrical, epical or dramatic? If a man hacking in fury at a block of wood make there an image of a cow, is that image a work of art? If not, why not? --Stephen Dedalus


BP Jonsson <bpj@...>
Peter Bleackley <peter.bleackley@...>