Re: Gold Sword and Red Crystal the Text for translators
From: | DOUGLAS KOLLER <laokou@...> |
Date: | Wednesday, August 2, 2000, 7:18 |
From: "Jeff Sheets"
> Gold-Sword and Red-Crystal
> This happened during the days of Fire-Heart. There was an honorable
> who was named Gold-Sword. Fire-Heart called on the bravery of Gold-Sword
> destroy the Dragon who ravaged the country. The courage of Gold-Sword was
> true to his reputation. He left with his greatsword, Fire-Tongue, and
> his sturdy armor. He gathered up food for the journey, and he rode his
> horse, Red-Moon. He rode Red-Moon for thirty days and thirty nights. He
> arrived at the Needle-Mountains, and searched for ten days to find the
> of the Dragon. He met the Dragon in battle. After two days in battle,
> Dragon and Gold-Sword grew tired. They fell to the ground, and were
> exhausted. The Dragon spoke these words. My name is Red-Crystal. You
> an opponent like no other. Never have I been wasted like this. I must
> here to live. It is my only home. I will stop attacking your people.
But I
> must feed. I do not know what to do. I must eat soon, but I am too
> to move. Gold-Sword honored his opponent. He spoke to the Dragon. You
> my match. Never have I fought for two days. I understand your reasons
> and I see an end to both of our problems. My people will feed you, and
> will protect them from their enemies across the mountains. Is this
> agreeable? The Dragon agreed, and the new friends slept for a day. When
> they woke, they traveled to the nearest shepherd. Gold-Sword explained
> Red-Crystal's problems to the shepherd. The shepherd left to gather up
> from his people, to feed Red-Crystal. For centuries Red-Crystal has
> protected these lands of Fire-Heart. Speech and understanding had won
> weapons could not.
In Géarthununs:
Che hengeths lü che bdhaukréthsev Ngaibeíansas mnaizekh. Sau bdövürs lü,
chaur lé Aibölírsaub sfen zadíf sho, miçnakh. Ngaibeíans lé cha gnéonsat
Abölírsaus, öregü saur lé che dhbörözçöthset, cheth lé cha frensat tövdanökh
sho, hauhíenzöth sho, tsebanöz. Cha gnéons Abölírsaus lé cha helkensak chö
bövrobsös sauraubös fnazhen nöi. Saur lé chau galírsaub saurauraub shut,
Ngaibeidwönarsaub, palenguf, kfö lé chü höksüt zhanöküt saurauküt thlan.
Saur lé sa glomansat che pímathseb rhad thöçérun, kfö lé chöi skatsöit
saurautöit, Rhíansat Zíaurínat, zdíf. Saur lé Rhíansat Zíaurínat sek
dalthsed toumnöthed zhö sök shebsöd toumnöböd srem zdíf. Saur lé chök
Gíökaubsösh sítöz, kfö lé sek dalthsed mnöthed srem, öre chö hanashríbsöt
che dhbörözçöthses ba zçírhef zhdazh. Saur lé che dhbörözçöthet zvaun, kfö
sethet ebrükrakh. Chü ebrükraksüb içte sel daltheg pungetheg, che
dhbörözçöths zhö Abölírs lé mvenöthezh vanöi. Beth lé fshedel, kfö lé
rogamvez. Che dhbörözçeths lé chí hakfalsích hengelích möl "Sí lü Rhempeksüb
Zíauríküb sfen zadíf. Öçek la sí ngels, arzhö shahövegseb ftelögeb sfen,
nöi. Fí lö hengeveçö bzéngöi rogamvez. Fí la va hengedípsav, öregü sí lí
haupez sho, ba íf ten. Chö hengebs la chö béöbs bvesíreb síteb nöi. Sí lí
chö nzöbsöt öçkelaböt ba zgerhökh balaf. Fí la öblé ba glozh ten. Fí la
vepsat ba dravnath sferül. Fí la mneta-u ba glozh ten, arkfö sí la rhösa-u
ba pamuf rogamvez". Aibölírs lé chí ngelsít sauraulít nzgörezh. Saur lé che
dhbörözçönsek möl "Öçek la chí ngels ktesel sítel nöi. Fí lö fel dalgsekh
pungegekh srem bzéngöi ebrükrakh. Sí la chík kangüfelsích öçkelalích shimte
paçíen, kfö sí la höi chül kaladheksüm fanfeküm trízhhateküm cha avzünsat
tel. Chö nzöbs síteb lí öçket azh, kfö öçek lí söböt chük ndesemeksül
söbökül chök aubsöd çöshe jurusal. Che hengeths la chungöríth hönöi?". Che
dhbörözçöths lé höfnazhen, kfö chaul zhömauíörsauzh rhashperauzh lé se
dalthseb srem héf. Shtanö baur lé longöth sho, baur lé chü mörveksüb mé chau
mníesparsaus ftégöraus éhö kföz. Abölírs lé chük kaladheksüch Rhempeksüs
Zíauríküs chau mníesparsauk namakotröl. Chau mníespars lé, öre sek
nggarhathsech chö nzöbsöb saurauböb ai ba thöçérun, öre Rhempeksüt Zíauríküt
ba azh palenguf. Sek kashadsömöthsed srem, Rhempeks Zíaurík lö cha fresnat
hengenat Ngaibeíansas jurusal. Chí möls zhö cha paçíens löi, shtanö vük
körhödsüp lé helkeveçö kalokh sho, ínazath.
Che hengeths lü che bdhaukréthsev Ngaibeíansas mnaizekh. Sau bdövürs lü,
chaur lé
the this-nom trans-aux era-loc Fire-Heart-gen happen. a warrior-nom
trans-aux, who-nom past-aux
Aibölírsaub sfen zadíf sho, miçnakh. Ngaibeíans lé cha gnéonsat Abölírsaus,
öregü saur lé
Gold-Sword-post as be.called SHO, exist. Fire-Heart-nom past-aux the
bravery-acc Gold-Sword-gen, so.that he-nom (referring back to Gold Sword)
che dhbörözçöthset, cheth lé cha frensat tövdanökh sho, hauhíenzöth sho,
tsebanöz. Cha
the dragon-acc, who-nom past-aux the country-acc attack SHO, destroy-spec
SHO, summon. the
gnéons Abölírsaus lé cha helkensak chö bövrobsös sauraubös fnazhen nöi. Saur
lé chau
courage-nom Gold-Sword-gen past-aux the that-dat the reputation-post
his-post same-nom be. he-nom past-aux the
galírsaub saurauraub shut, Ngaibeidwönarsaub, palenguf, kfö lé chü höksüt
great.sword-post his-post with, Fire-Tongue-post, leave, and past-aux the
armor-acc sturdy-acc
saurauküt thlan. Saur lé sa glomansat che pímathseb rhad thöçérun, kfö lé
chöi skatsöit
his-acc wear. he-nom past-aux a/some food-acc the journey-post
for.the.sake.of/for collect, and past-aux the horse-acc
saurautöit, Rhíansat Zíaurínat, zdíf. Saur lé Rhíansat Zíaurínat sek
dalthsed toumnöthed
his-acc, Moon-acc Red-acc, ride. he-nom past-aux Moon-acc Red-acc some
day-pl/post thirty-pl/post
zhö sök shebsöd toumnöböd srem zdíf. Saur lé chök Gíökaubsösh sítöz, kfö lé
and some night-pl/post thirty-pl/post for ride. he-nom past-aux the-pl
Needle.Mountain-pl/loc arrive, and past-aux some
dalthsed mnöthed srem, öre chö hanashríbsöt che dhbörözçöthses ba zçírhef
day-pl/post ten-pl/post for, in.order the dwelling-acc the dragon-gen BA
find look.for.
Saur lé che dhbörözçöthet zvaun, kfö sethet ebrükrakh. Chü ebrükraksüb içte
sel daltheg
he-nom past-aux the dragon-acc find, and it-acc fight. the fight-post after
some-dual day-dual/instr
pungetheg, che dhbörözçöths zhö Abölírs lé mvenöthezh vanöi. Beth lé
fshedel, kfö lé
two-dual/instr, the dragon-nom and Gold-Sword-nom past-aux tired-dual/nom
become. they-dual/nom past-aux collapse, and past-aux
rogamvez. Che dhbörözçeths lé chí hakfalsích hengelích möl "Sí lü Rhempeksüb
be.exhausted. the dragon-nom past-aux the-pl word-pl/acc this-pl/acc speak "
I-nom trans-aux Crystal-post
Zíauríküb sfen zadíf. Öçek la sí ngels, arzhö shahövegseb ftelögeb sfen,
nöi. Fí lö
Red-post as be.called. you-nom pres-aux a opponent-nom, but someone-post/neg
other/post-neg as, be. I-nom/eg perf-aux
hengeveçö bzéngöi rogamvez. Fí la va hengedípsav, öregü sí lí haupez sho, ba
íf ten. Chö
thus never be.exhausted. I-nom/neg pres-aux the-neg here-loc/neg, so.that
I-nom fut-aux live SHO, BA stay must. the
hengebs la chö béöbs bvesíreb síteb nöi. Sí lí chö nzöbsöt öçkelaböt ba
zgerhökh balaf.
this-nom pres-aux the house-nom only-nom my-nom be. I-nom fut-aux the
people-acc your-acc BA attack stop
Fí la öblé ba glozh ten. Fí la vepsat ba dravnath sferül. Fí la mneta-u ba
glozh ten, arkfö sí
I-nom/neg pres-aux BA eat must. I-nom/neg pres-aux what-acc/neg BA do know.
I-nom/neg soon BA eat must, but I-nom
la rhösa-u ba pamuf rogamvez". Aibölírs lé chí ngelsít sauraulít nzgörezh.
Saur lé che
pres-aux too BA move be.exhausted. Gold-Sword-nom past-aux the opponent-acc
his-acc honor. he-nom past-acc the
dhbörözçönsek möl "Öçek la chí ngels ktesel sítel nöi. Fí lö fel dalgsekh
pungegekh srem
dragon-dat speak " you-nom pres-aux the opponent-nom equal-nom my-nom be.
I-nom/neg perf-aux some-dual/neg day-dual/post/neg two-dual/post/neg for
bzéngöi ebrükrakh. Sí la chík kangüfelsích öçkelalích shimte paçíen, kfö sí
la höi chül
never fight. I-nom pres-aux the-pl reason-acc/pl your-acc/pl now understand,
and I-nom pres-aux HÖI the-dual
kaladheksüm fanfeküm trízhhateküm cha avzünsat tel. Chö nzöbs síteb lí öçket
azh, kfö
problem-dual/acc all-dual/acc our-dual/acc the solution-acc see. the
people-nom my-nom fut-aux you-acc feed, and
öçek lí söböt chük ndesemeksül söbökül chök aubsöd çöshe jurusal. Che
hengeths la
you-nom fut-aux it-acc (referring to "people"") the-pl enemy-pl/dat
their-pl/dat the-pl mountain-pl/post across protect. the this-nom pres-aux
chungöríth hönöi?". Che dhbörözçöths lé höfnazhen, kfö chaul zhömauíörsauzh
suitable-nom be-interr?". the dragon-nom past-aux agree, and the-dual
rhashperauzh lé se dalthseb srem héf. Shtanö baur lé longöth sho, baur lé
chü mörveksüb
new-dual/nom past-aux a day-post for sleep. when they-dual/nom past-aux
awake SHO, they-dual/nom the yard-post
mé chau mníesparsaus ftégöraus éhö kföz. Abölírs lé chük kaladheksüch
"chez" the shepherd-gen nearby-gen most travel. Gold-Sword-nom past-aux
the-pl problem-pl/acc Crystal-gen
Zíauríküs chau mníesparsauk namakotröl. Chau mníespars lé, öre sek
nggarhathsech chö
Red-gen the shepherd-dat explain. the shepherd past-aux, in.order some
sheep-pl/acc the
nzöbsöb saurauböb ai ba thöçérun, öre Rhempeksüt Zíauríküt ba azh palenguf.
people-post his-post from BA collect, in.order Crystal-acc Red-acc BA feed
leave. some
kashadsömöthsed srem, Rhempeks Zíaurík lö cha fresnat hengenat Ngaibeíansas
century-pl/post for, Crystal-nom Red-nom perf-aux the country-acc this-acc
Fire-Heart-gen protect
Chí möls zhö cha paçíens löi, shtanö vük körhödsüp lé helkeveçö kalokh sho,
the speech-nom and the understanding-nom pluperf, when the-pl/neg
weapon/pl/nom/neg past-aux thus SHO, win.