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Re: Fluency Wish-List (and question)

From:Kristian Jensen <kljensen@...>
Date:Thursday, April 13, 2000, 20:09
Barry Garcia wrote:
>CONLANG@LISTSERV.BROWN.EDU writes: >>ILOCANO: The mother tongue of the majority of my Filipino relatives. I >>have never ever been able to communicate with them properly. > >Eww.....Ilocano :) Kidding :). Actually that's pretty cool Kristian. My >friend mike is Ilocano and all he knows are the bad words, and a few >familial terms.
Same here. I happen to like the way it sounds too, compared to other Filipino languages. Like other languages belonging to the Northern Philippine branch, Ilocano sounds essentially like Tagalog spoken by a Balikbayan from Indo-China. There's an essential for you, John Cowan. (A 'Balikbayan' is a Filipino who has worked overseas). Boreanesian itself could essentially sound like Khmer as spoken by a Japanese with a Vietnamese accent struggling to overcome the effects of a cleft palate. There's another one, John.
>Another of the Philippine langs i'd like to know is >actually Chavacano. My friend liz speaks it fluently, and even though it's >a creole, it´s still wonderful to listen to.
I know very rudimentary Chavacano (Cavite dialect). I guess that's another one I'd also like to learn properly.
>Which brings me to several questions : > >I have been thinking of doing a creole based off of Saalangal (yeah I >know, yet another conlang). Now, would it be best to do a pidgin first, >and then evolve it from there? Or would it be simpler to just go in full >force and do a creole? I know the substrata would be Saalangal, and the >lexicon would be the other language, and i'm thinking either English or >Spanish (this would be a personal project just for fun). Also, are there >any resources on the net that explains how creoles work?
Don't know any online resources. But since you're doing this for 'fun' (and I think I know what you mean by that), then why not just mix everything together in a bottle and see what comes out on paper when you pour it - I mean that figuratively, of course. ;-) -kristian- 8)