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Re: fingers

From:Joseph B. <darkmoonman@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 28, 2005, 17:58
> take me some time to decode. To me, a "pointer" is a data type in a
> program, a variety of dog, a helpful tip, and several other things that > would have to occur to me before I thought of a finger.
Ditto. It's also true for me of "index" when stripped of "finger": a set of pointers for in a program or a book, etc.
> It is a shame the middle finger doesn't have a name all its own in
> it's only distinguished by being between its neighbours. I suppose we
> call it the "giving-the-finger finger" (or "bird finger", to use another > colloquialism of dubious universality...).
In certain NeoPagan trads, each finger is assigned an element: e.g. thumb = water, index = fire, middle = spirit, ring = earth, pinky = air.