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Roumán Part II - Nouns, Adjectives, and Pronouns

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Friday, November 24, 2000, 4:34
Nouns can be masculine or feminine, and fall into 3 declensional
Class I
     S    P
Abs  --   -as
Erg  -a   -sa*, -ça* (ç used after n, l, r, *tsa -> ça)
Gen  -ei  -áu

Class II
     S    P
Abs  -ous --*
Erg  -ou  -so*, -ço*
Gen  --*  -óu

Class III
     S    P
Abs  --   -eis
Erg  -e   -eibos, -éis (free variation)
Gen  -s   -o (-s added to a word ending in -t yields -ç)

* Final vowel of stem changes, a -> e, e -> ei, ei -> i, o -> ou, ou ->
u, thus Roumánous, Roumén

Ergative plurals of first and second were originally just -s, but -a and
-o were added to distinguish

Adjectives decline like nouns

Normal set
      1st Person                   2nd person
     S    P-incl       P-excl     S          P
Nom  go   nous         nousél     tu         ous
Acc  mei  nous         nousaious  tei        ous
Gen  mi   nocei        nost'óu    ti         becei
Dat  mi   noupf        noupfáis   teibei/tei oupf
The plural exclusives are derived from Latin _nos aliî_; note the
somewhat inconsistent spelling {mi} for /mi/

Humble set (used when speaking to a superior)
      1st Person                   2nd person
     S    P-incl P-excl  S          P
Abs  eic  i      iél     eice       iç
Gen  us   óu     oumióu  cis        çóu
Erg  ouc  is     ousáis  eiçou      is

These are derived from _hic_ (_hi alii_ for exclusive) and _iste_
(notice the /st/ -> /ts/ change).  These pronouns take 3rd person

3rd person

    MS    MP    FS    FP
Abs eile  il    eil   eilei
Gen lís   lóu   lísa  láu
Erg eilou ilço  eila  ilça

Definite Articles

    MS    MP    FS    FP
Abs se    si    i, s  sei
Gen si    sóu   sei   sáu
Erg sou   sis   sa    sis

These precede the noun.  For feminine singular absolutive, {i} is used
before s, st', z, zd', tl, and dl, {s} is used elsewhere.  Thus, s
roumán (the Roman, feminine) (pronounced /slo'mAn/), but i zoun (the

I'm not yet sure if there are indefinite articles and if so, if they're
derived from _ûnus_ or not (_unous_ in Roumán)