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Re: THEORY: 'to say that...', 'to hope that...'

From:takatunu <takatunu@...>
Date:Sunday, July 4, 2004, 9:19
Trebor wrote:
How do you guys' conlangs handle such sentences? I'd like some examples from
languages other than English to help me with mine. Thanks :)
In Pisina: "(1) Subject Raising Verbs: An example is "He seems to be good", which could also be "It seems he's good". Timiko a tomana nai [o timiko] a simaka. He PRED appearance i.e. [that he] PRED good. "(2) Exceptional Case Marking (ECM) Verbs: "I believe him to be a problem." See also: "I believe there to be a problem." Pikani a tilolona nai o timiko a sai milana. I PRED think i.e. that he PRED. be problem. Pikani a tilolona nai a milana i minasa timiko. I PRED think i.e. that he PRED there's problem CIRCUMSTANCE case this. "(3) Subject Control Verbs: "I promised him to buy the cat food." (Also called an Equi construction?) (*I* am the one buying the cat food.) Pikani a pinonomi kai timiko i nai o pikani a mataki pimomoti manola i salota kai kitola. I PRED promise to him CIRCUMSTANCE i.e. that future buy food CIRCUMSTANCE benefit to cat. "(4) Object Control Verbs: "I persuaded him to buy the cat food." (*He* is the one buying the cat food.) Pikani a mosala potapotaso timiko i nai o timiko a soloni pimomoti manola kai kitola. I PRED past make-believe him CIRCUMSTANCE i.e. that he PRED had-rather buy food to cat.


Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>