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Re: CHAT: barbarisms (was: CHAT: Being both theologically correct and

From:Frank George Valoczy <valoczy@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 15, 2001, 17:26
> I also don't like to say <automata> because my idiolect > would render it as [O"tAm@%t@], and that secondarily-stressed [@] just > doesn't seem to belong.
Hm. Anything I don't know how to say, I pronounce it as if it were Hungarian, that is with stress of the first syllable, [A] for /a/...thus this /automata/ I would say as ["Auto%mAtA]. Tieing into that other thread...maybe that makes Hungarian my native language? -------ferko Ferenc Gy. Valoczy Free British Columbia! Virtual Votia - Vaddjamaa Internetaza: railways page: 25kV 50Hz:


BP Jonsson <bpj@...>