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Re: to be different

Date:Friday, January 19, 2007, 0:36
In a message dated 1/18/2007 5:24:30 PM Central Standard Time,
jsjonesmiami@YAHOO.COM writes:

> I'm having trouble coming up with the morphosyntax for translating "to be > different from" in NYSEC. My problem is that this doesn't seem to fit any > existing argument structure category. It has two arguments: what's different > and what it's different from. It's not transitive and neither argument is a > possessor. The way English does it won't work either. Any ideas? > > Jeff >
In Latejami and Saweli "be different from" is a 2-place static binary relational state verb - subject is patient, object is focus. It's transitive because it has an object. stevo