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Thanks! -- also, Classes and Cases.

From:Paul Edson <conlang@...>
Date:Thursday, March 14, 2002, 15:12
Jan wrote:
> > --- Paul Edson <conlang@...> wrote: > > > Introduction first: I’m a strange mongrel mix… I do > > project > > management for a US Navy document management system > > during > > the day (as a contractor) and sing professionally > > (chorus > > and small roles) with the Washington Opera by night. > > Welcome! You probably noticed already, that there are > quite a few musicians on the list. > Just curious, where will you find the time for > conlanging and follow the list? ;)
Heh. Well, it seems a good deal of my time at work is spent waiting for people to call or e-mail me... that gives me time to read the list. The actual con-x-ing (lang, culture, etc...) tends to happen late at night--I am a notorious insomniac. Thanks to everyone who responded! The approaches are as different as the people offering them, and I found something to inspire or focus me in most of them. Right now I'm working on the assumption that my as-yet-nameless language will have: --*Heavily* inflected grammar. (Cases for nouns; all sorts of verb marking--mood, aspect, tense...) --Noun class system. (Been intrigued by this for a while--shooting for about 15-18 classes, a few of which will be vestigial holdovers from a ConHistorically earlier form of the language.) --Relatively simple phonology. (This is my first language, and I don't particularly want to learn 'new' sounds in order to speak in it...) --A syllabary script. --A high degree of conservativeness... this will be a "classical" form that has survived essentially intact for thousands of years in the midst of a thriving crossroads/agora setting. (There are reasons for this, which can be explained culturally.) There will thus be a tension between the "official" language and the day-to-day patois which will likely contain significant numbers of borrowings and influences from other languages. The Question: Is it unusual in NatLangs to have a language with a noun class system that also marks a high number of noun cases? Are there good examples of languages which do both, either Nat- or Con-? Thanks, Paul.


Y.Penzev <isaacp@...>