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Poll by Email No. 26

From:Peter Clark <peter-clark@...>
Date:Sunday, March 9, 2003, 19:27
        This week's poll is brought to you by Andrew Smith, who wonders just how
nutty we all are. He writes, "I wondered about the mental health of the
Conlang list.  Are we average or should our creativity come with a health
warning - that way lies madness!"
        A. I am boring vanilla-flavoured normal
        B. I am diagnosed as clinically sane
        C. Being eccentric burns up calories, y'know
        D. I have a diagnosed mental condition
        E. My condition can be controlled with treatment


The Rules:
1. Reply to with your poll choice. DO NOT POST TO THE
2. If you desire, include a longer response in your email, outlining your
thoughts on the question.
3. By including a long response, you grant permission for your response to be
posted to the mailing list. If for some reason you wish to keep your response
private, please make that clear in the body of your email.
4. I reserve the right to edit your response for space and content. Not all
responses may be published.
5. All poll answers, however, will be accounted for. Multiple votes will not
count, you cheater. Hedging answers will be pounded into the closest category.
6. This is not scientific by any stretch of the imagination.
7. Poll topics welcome.
8. The poll results and a selection of responses will be posted next
Saturday, 15 March, along with a new poll question.
Oh what a tangled web they weave who try a new word to conceive!