En réponse à bnathyuw <bnathyuw@...>:
> far north of the orne. nearest town livarot ( in
> calvados for the sake of those unfamiliar with
> basse-normandie ), altho the cider we bought was
> generally relatively small scale stuff, rather than
> the strictly-speaking local ecusson.
Still, in this region it cannot be bad :))) .
my friend
> developed a taste for the local livarot cheese,
I like it too, though for some reason most people seem not to like it so much.
It's a peculiar cheese, true...
but as
> i'm a bovine galactophobe ( i can't eat cow's milk ) i
> had to stick to the sheep and goat's stuff . . . no
> great difficulty there tho
Take your life as a movie: do not let anybody else play the leading role.