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Re: tense marking and typology

From:Jim Henry <jimhenry@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 9, 1999, 19:49
On 9 Jun 99, at 15:32, J.Barefoot wrote:

> I'm trying to come up with a pragmatic tense marking system for Asiteya > (or Astya, both tenetative names, really just the word for "the > language"), where different word orders mean different tenses. Is there > any precedent for this? Does it violate typology rules completely to allow > SVO, VSO and SOV in the same language (even if the language is,
Well, English, French and German all change word-order to change from indicative to questioning, so I don't see why not.
> admittedly, in intense typological flux)? Also, I would be thrilled if > someone could see fit to share some info on tense systems other than the > usual European past-present-future. The rigid distictions of a time-line > don't appeal to me anymore.
What about: past vs. non-past now vs. not now (past, future, irrealis, etc) personal memory vs. indirectly known past vs. immediately experienced now interesting/important now/past/future (as opposed to happening now/past/future) Jim Henry III *gjax zaxnq-box baxm-box goq.