From: "Adam Walker"
> >From: "H. S. Teoh"
> >Not to mention long, harsh
> >hours spent making identical copies Chinese characters, each filling up
> >entire page... Sometimes I'm ashamed at myself for actually forgetting
> >to read Chinese, after all this effort (even though I *did* try to get
> >away with doing as little as possible
> That's where I am right now. Writing Chinese characters over and over
> on those nice little pieces of paper with the red lines deviding it up in
> perfect little squares so your characters will be the right shape. That
> writing my 1100 students' names over and over. And trying to remember the
> bepemefe for each of the characters. And now I'm learning to type
> AAHHHHHHH! How do little children endure this! *aside to self* They
> give a rip, that's how! They just do what they're told and go on about
> their way.
A major initial time and effort investment which pays off big time later.
Don't lose it.
As for typing, there are a number of approaches out there. I can get up to a
respectable speed using the bopomofo keyboard, but my former supervisor
whizzed through by composing the characters component by component. When I
left, "Wu2Xia1Mi3" was all the rage, claiming devotees right and left, and I
guess also improving typing speeds in a major way once you learned the
system. I had the rudiments explained to me once, but never learned it.