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Re: Infinitives

From:Vasiliy Chernov <bc_@...>
Date:Monday, March 27, 2000, 17:25
On Mon, 27 Mar 2000 18:32:29 +0200, Mangiat <mangiat@...> wrote:

>Hello everyone! >I'd like to eliminate the infinitive in my Vaiysi, but I don't know how >precisely. I've heard that modern Greek has this feature (is it true?),
> but >I don't know how to realise it and how does it work >With modal verbs? I want to go > I want me to go? > >Luca Mangiat
Roughly, 'I want that I (should) go'. If you don't mind an example from Bulgarian (which I remember a bit better than Modern Greek), Iskam da otida 'I want to go (away)' Isk=a=m da ot=id=a want-pres-1sg that+(...should) off-go-pres+1sg (The conjunction _da_ switches moods: _otida_ itself means 'I go (away)', but _da otida_ means 'in order that I go', 'that I should go', 'me to go'.) Iskam da otide 'I want him/her to go (away)' _Otide_ is 3sg of the same verb, 's/he goes (away)'. Iskam da vulka otide 'I want the wolf to go (away)' _Vulk=a_ 'the wolf'. Iskam da *az* otida 'It's *me* that I want to go away' _Az_ 'I', not used unless an emphasis is put on it; just to show that _da otida_ is in fact a regular relative clause, the omission of subject pronoun being normal in Bulgarian. I recall that the Neo-Greek construction is very much alike. Basilius