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Re: Moraic codas [was Re: 'Yemls Morphology]

From:Muke Tever <alrivera@...>
Date:Saturday, July 14, 2001, 6:12
>===== Original Message From Constructed Languages List >Mangiat sikayal: > >> I tend to see English syllabification as a sort of a nightmare. When I >> started studying English in the Elementary School we were told to avoid >> writing a word on two lines because of the problems engendered by >> syllabification... so I've grown up without knowing how Englishmen actually >> break up words. Italian syllabification, OTOH, is really simple. > >Actually, if you're just trying to hyphenate words properly, it's not too >difficult. The rules are: > >1. Don't leave fewer than 3 letters hanging before or after the hyphen >2. Break words across obvious morphemic boundaries >3. Otherwise, any VCV is broken V-CV >4. Any VCCV --> VC-CV >5. Any VCCCV --> VC-CCV
Huh. When I learned it we also had a rule not to hyphenate if the fragment of a word could be interpreted as a different word (especially since to someone reading out loud they could end up starting out the wrong word entirely). *Muke! -- ICQ: 1936556 AIM: MukeTurtle "We're making the Internet easier to use by keeping you from using all of it."


tristan alexander mcleay <zsau@...>