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Re: Moraic codas [was Re: 'Yemls Morphology]

From:tristan alexander mcleay <zsau@...>
Date:Saturday, July 14, 2001, 8:20
> > > >Not that those are the correct syllables in a linguistic sense. Leaving >aside ambisyllabic consonants, English syllabification goes mostly >according to the Maximal Onset Principle--anything that can start a word >can and should start a syllable. In my dialect: > >'middle' ['mI.dl=] >'after' ['&] >'constant' ['] >'mixture' ['mIks.tSr=] >
I think that in my dialect, long vowels like to be counted as a vowel+consonant (two mora?), so 'after' is syllabified ['A:.ft@]. But I can't think of any words that start with /ft/, so that rule must be stronger for me Tristan