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Re: onomatopoetic animal sounds

From:Yoon Ha Lee <yl112@...>
Date:Thursday, April 12, 2001, 17:43
On Thu, 12 Apr 2001, daniel andreasson wrote:

> Finally, the paper on onomatopoetic animal sounds is done. > On request I've translated the material into English and > uploaded it to my site. The address is: > > > > A big thank you to all you who helped me out by > volunteering as consultants. > > So what do you think?
Neat! I haven't gotten to look at your data in anything resembling detail, but it's sure interesting stuff (and, I'm sure, inspirational for conlanging animal onomatopoeia, if I've spelled that right...). Now, is there any correlation between animal *names* and the sounds/verbs? In Korean, cat is "goyangi" and the sound a cat makes is "yaong"; a magpie is "kkach'i" and its cry is "kka kka kka"; OTOH a dog is a "gae" and its barking is "meong meong," so the correlation falls apart... YHL


daniel andreasson <daniel.andreasson@...>