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Re: onomatopoetic animal sounds

From:Padraic Brown <pbrown@...>
Date:Wednesday, February 28, 2001, 2:40
On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, daniel andreasson wrote:

>Hey all. > >In my linguistics course "The Languages of Europe", we've >got an assignment to do a typological study. Me and my class >mate decided to do a study on onomatopoetic animal sounds. > >So now we're looking for informants/consultants. I've asked >you guys before, and some of you could help me. I hope there >are some who can help me out again. Plus, it's fun! :)
I know such a list (at least for dog) exists, as this topic has shown up in sci.lang a number of times over the years. You might want to see if it's in the SL FAQ, or post a message to the group. I'll also look into it. Padraic.