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Re: Hello? It's working?

From:Muke Tever <alrivera@...>
Date:Wednesday, December 5, 2001, 12:59
>From: "Christopher Wright" <faceloran@...> > >The vowels: >A (ah) >Ai (eye) >E (schwa and eh) >Ei (ae) >I (ee) >O (oh) >U (ooh) > >The vowels: >A (ah) >Á (ae) >E (eh) >I (ee) >O (oh) >U (ooh)
By "ae" I suppose you mean the /eI/ of "Gael"[1] and not the /i/ of "Caesar" (or the /aI/ of "Caesar" either, for that matter). What's "ooh" meant to represent? The /U/ of 'book' or the /u/ of 'boo'/'moon'? *Muke! [1] Side note. I think my speech may have [E] instead of [e] in /eI/. Am I horribly misreading myself, or is that common?


Y.Penzev <isaacp@...>