From: "David Peterson" <DigitalScream@...>
>...> Let's take these one at a time, shall we?
> In a message dated 6/22/01 1:32:59 AM, claudio.soboll@GMX.DE writes:
> << a "cats hiss", [to express the feeling of a forewarn]
>...> but that's an animal noise.
It might be [C] or [K] or possibly [h~], depending on who's saying it...
>...> a "spit sound" , [to express the feeling of scorn,disrespect]
>...> don't know what sound you mean.
Probably a heavily aspirated [t_d] ([t_d_h]? Can you stack X-SAMPA
diacritics like that?)
>...> Anyway, no, these are not morphemes; they're something else.
Phones, I think. Or possibly something vague like "paralinguistic
utterances" (does that mean anything?)