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Re: your conlang, please? (Rich Aunt gets hold of the Lunatic Survey)

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Friday, October 2, 1998, 2:23
On Thu, 1 Oct 1998 00:18:21 -0400, Sally Caves <scaves@...>

>Of course this is precisely what we CAN'T say about "private languages." >Does that bother you that your language has a speaker of one? Some of >you get together and learn each other's languages. I'm thinking in >particular of Brithenig and Kernu (whose inventors have remained notably >silent!) Is one of the appeals of a private invented language that you >alone know its secrets and control its development?
Well, in theory there are millions of speakers of Jarrda and billions of speakers (American billions) of Zirinka, but of course they're all fictional. Since I don't have time to write millions of stories, in practice there will probably never be more than a handful of speakers of any language who actually use it. And there probably will never be more than one speaker of experimental languages like Iwa and Mega-Eklektu, = even including fictional characters, but that doesn't bother me.