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Re: Revised Zharranh page

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Monday, February 9, 2004, 3:01
Herman Miller scripsit:

> As far as the actual yogh character, I'm tentatively thinking of using > it for glottal stops, mainly because reversed yogh is the obvious choice > for /?\/, and /?/ looks like the reverse of /?\/. Plus, it's the only > thing that has both a capital and lower case form that looks much like a > glottal stop symbol.
True capital and lowercase glottal stop are coming in Unicode 4.1; they're needed for some Canadian languages. However, it's still uncertain whether the current glottal stop character, which looks capital but is currently called lower case, will be identified with either or both of these. So we may add just one character or a new casing pair. -- John Cowan "The exception proves the rule." Dimbulbs think: "Your counterexample proves my theory." Latin students think "'Probat' means 'tests': the exception puts the rule to the proof." But legal historians know it means "Evidence for an exception is evidence of the existence of a rule in cases not excepted from."


Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Benct Philip Jonsson <bpj@...>
Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>