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Re: Revised Zharranh page

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Monday, February 9, 2004, 4:35
John Cowan wrote:

> True capital and lowercase glottal stop are coming in Unicode 4.1; they're > needed for some Canadian languages. However, it's still uncertain whether > the current glottal stop character, which looks capital but is currently > called lower case, will be identified with either or both of these. > So we may add just one character or a new casing pair.
In that case, I'll plan on using the new glottal stop characters when they're assigned, and in the meantime I'll use a placeholder character, like the "glottal stop with stroke", for uppercase. (It's not as if capital glottal stop is a very frequently used character in my languages; AFAIK it only occurs in the name of the language Kazat ?akkorou.)


And Rosta <a.rosta@...>synonym for 'samprasarana' (and 'synizesis') sought