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Re: Hutt

From:Daniel Andreasson <noldo@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 8, 1999, 20:28
Very strange language. Sometimes you suspect they just made=20
sentences of nothing. But then again, words like 'chuba' seem
to be used in a regular way. Hmm... Is it possible that they
made some words up and translated them and then made
up the rest around them without thinking (or perhaps thinking
a little. I.e. making the words look very much like English) ?


> Fweepa niaga. Tolpa da bunky dunko. > (Clean the racks, then you can go home)
> Tooney rana nu pratta dunko, shag. > (Connected? Whada you mean, slave?)
Look at 'dunko'. I can't see how they possibly could mean the same thing. And suddenly 'chuba' isn't 'you' anymore. What do you think? Daniel Andreasson