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Re: Hutt

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 9, 1999, 0:08
> Perhaps Huttese allows pronouns to be left > out if understood from context, as in Japanese. > How about this analysis:
Hmm, possibly. I recall reading in Hawaiian Pidgin English, the sentence (spoken by a Japanese immigrant) "Me cap=E9 buy. Me check make" could mean, depending on context, "He bought my coffee. He made out my check" or "I bought coffee. I made out a check", essentially a literal translation from Japanese minus particles ("watashi no koohii [bought]" =3D [he] bought my coffee; "watashi wa koohii [bought]" =3D "I bought coffee" Assuming that the Huttese substrate language was like that, it would make sense for Huttese to be that way. --=20 Happy that Nation, - fortunate that age, whose history is not diverting -- Benjamin Franklin ICQ #: 18656696 AIM screen-name: NikTailor