Kyndr Fymmyla fnuda:
> Christian Thalmann wrote:
>> I once had the following idea for an instalang: Do letter
>> (or phoneme) replacements in the natlang of your choice, in
>> such a way that the phonology remains pronounceable.
> The Nintendo Gamecube game "Star Fox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet" does
> something like this for the "dinosaur language". Consonants are replaced
> with consonants and vowels with vowels in a fairly simple substitution
> cypher (orthographically, not phonemically--the pronunciation is
> basically how an English speaker would pronounce the resulting words,
> and comes out pretty stilted when it's spoken in the game).
Final Fantasy X does similar for the "Al Bhed" language.
(Vehym Vyhdyco X tuac cesemyn vun dra "Al Bhed" myhkiyka.)
-- E jer savne zarjé mas ne Se imné koone'f metha Brissve mé kolé adâ.