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Re: Dialect and register

From:Morgan Palaeo Associates <morganpalaeo@...>
Date:Sunday, December 29, 2002, 11:39
Thomas R. Wier wrote:

> Anyone saying "soda" or "pop" is likewise immediately marked as an > outsider -- the proper word being "coke", of course.
Are you saying that "coke" in your area is generic for any carbonated drink, not just for cola? So, a fanta is a coke for example? If someone asked for a soda I would be confused unless they had an American accent. If someone asked for a pop I would have absolutely no idea what they were talking about. If someone asked for a coke I would (if so inclined) get them a coke. If someone wanted whatever carbonated beverage happened to be most convenient, I would expect them to ask for a "soft drink". As far as I know this is the normal usage everywhere in .au Adrian.


Thomas R. Wier <trwier@...>