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Re: PA dialect (was: Re: i'm reforming one of my conlangs)

From:Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>
Date:Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 19:01
On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 18:41, Donald Boozer <donaldboozer@...> wrote:
> -I was often told by my exasperated mother to stop *rutching* /rUtS.n/ when I > was supposed to sitting still. > -And told not to be *shushly* / when I was supposed to be doing something > carefully (like carrying a full glass of water) > - And one of my favorite foods was *rivvel* soup. > Those last three are derived from PA Dutch from what I have found out much later, > but none of my relatives were Amish (although both sides of my family have a > good deal of German and Swiss ancestry).
Ah! The first two cognate to standard German "rutschen" (to slide) and "schusselig" (ditzy, clumsy, klutzy), I suppose? I can't figure out the third one, though. Cheers, Philip -- Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>