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Re: poetry

From:Ajin-Kwai <wpii@...>
Date:Friday, September 22, 2000, 16:03
hmmm. some draqa:

a teal kwmaskweh iamhwaju
a iamhwajufal
he iamhwajunal
mehskehmeh iamfean:

a fiahwaju he jwehyeh teal
a fiahwaju cweoteal mosle
a teal wehrfehi
a le wehrfaxoi
a hwaju wehrtyoun.difehi
ou hwaju wehrfikukwai
he beoheihwajuc'fikukwai
dasi tealbal:


a iamsiaftaiac.aioxeoc'fehi,
        he wan:
'hakacin fo kiafa-
a xana mkfehi
   he   bababa
ou tamaswa:

Translation of poem #1

There is a lake, and then there come ripples
One ripple comes, becomes two
And eventually they become many.

All the ripples are part of the lake
All the ripples and the lake are water
The lake as fehi
The water as faxoi
The ripples as thoughts from fehi,
And correspond as all things,
Which keep on rippling
As a result of the mind of the lake.

Way too much explanation needed to translate poem#2...

a liuc'fehi,