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Re: poetry

From:Jonathan Chang <zhang2323@...>
Date:Tuesday, September 19, 2000, 18:41
In a message dated 2000:09:19 10:58:03 AM, matt_mcl@HOTMAIL.COM writes:

>"Jas" > >Jas ñauer >Gieecat nas >Ju cat zegar megriaka >Aksturd airas cuinaim > >Ju ga jaukser >Anke ga zegar moiecat nas > >Jas jaubz >Jas staer brenadam >T’zegoam tespa’kosait zosard dauarduj > >Daiatac, ni iajar skicim zluñ’idjard jasan >&#321;or nas ardasat sisi >Ju ñori, ju opaja nas ubini. > >Sdockil jasas >Modat jaks, lider k’deudririm. > >(Glass covers your picture surrounded by rigid metal imitations of flowers, >and it is cold even though it holds in your beauty. There is too much glass; >glass is for a museum, to hold rare and ancient artifacts. The last time >we >shattered the glass, your skin in the morning was warm and soft, and your >lips were moist. The barrier of glass like ice tends to grow back.)
:::claps::: niceness!! ENCORE! encore!!! more more more... ::jumpin' up & down like a chimpanzee:: czHANg << One thing foreigners, computers, & poets have in common is that they make unexpected linguistic associations. >> * Jasia Reichardt - creative cyberneticist *