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Re: A question of semantics

From:Stephen Mulraney <ataltanie@...>
Date:Wednesday, August 13, 2003, 21:37
Stone Gordonssen wrote:
>> "There is a similar one with describing tastes. Something like 60%of >> Caucasians cannot distinguish bitter and sour. It is extremely hard to >> explain the distinction to someone who cannot, and is notaware of the >> fact and roughly what the difference is."
> I must be in the 40% as they are to me distinctly different. > I assume this is genetic, similar to that 30% for whom cilantro tastes like > soap.
Like *soap*?. Are you serious? Err... (perhaps this makes the previous sentence less convincing)... which one's cilanthro? I mean, cilanthro is American English for what tasty (non-soapy) herb? I can't recall right now, though I usually know. s. ---- A billion saved is a billion earned - Norman Augustine Stephen Mulraney~ e::ataltane at


John Cowan <jcowan@...>
Erich Rickheit KSC <rickheit-cnl@...>