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Re: A question of semantics

From:Nik Taylor <yonjuuni@...>
Date:Thursday, August 7, 2003, 16:31
Nick Maclaren wrote:
> What I am asking about is NOT a logical or unambiguous approach, but > one that uses different concepts. In particular, in my example of > uncertainty, the concepts I am thinking of overlap and are themselves > somewhat ill-defined. I do not regard this as a disadvantage, for the > same reasons that the same properties are not necessarily one in > English.
In other words, a naturalistic language using different divisions of the world, not inherently more logical than other natural languages? If so, that's something many of us do as well. My language, Uatakassi, tends to have lots of words for higher-level categories that English lacks. For example, _uabiitani_ refers to *any* inhabited place, and can therefore apply to anything from an isolated homestead to a booming metropolis. _Uakitani_ refers to any independent political unit, for example, it would apply equally to a small village (if it's not part of a larger political unit) or a city-state to a nation. It could be used for a republic, a kingdom, a military dictatorship, a communistic state, etc. "State" is a rough equivalent, but it's still broader. It contrasts with _pibiibiu_, "uninhabited place". _Lalasta_ refers to any flying animal. Among Earth creatures (the language is actually spoken by aliens on another world), it could be used for flying birds (but *not* flightless birds) and bats, as well as the extinct pterodactyls. It's not used for insects. I'm not sure about gliding creatures like Flying Squirrels. _Vazia_ is a verb translating roughly as "act out of rage", and can also be used as an auxiliary indicating that the main verb is done out of rage, angrily. An interesting term I kind of discovered by accident is _pidiala_, which is basically "unaffectedness", a term which, it seems, should be possible in English, but, AFAIK, isn't a word. :-) There are also examples of words which are *more* precise than English, as in the contrast between _gudia_ "mate, have sexual intercourse without intention of having children", and _likangli_ "breed, have sexual intercourse for the purpose of having a child" -- "There's no such thing as 'cool'. Everyone's just a big dork or nerd, you just have to find people who are dorky the same way you are." - overheard ICQ: 18656696 AIM Screen-Name: NikTaylor42


Nick Maclaren <nmm1@...>
Herman Miller <hmiller@...>