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Re: CHAT: weird names, was Re: conlanging, the ultimate feminist subversion

From:Ed Heil <edheil@...>
Date:Tuesday, August 3, 1999, 17:47

You can always turn to Monty Python for help.  One sketch featured a
Mr. Smoke-too-much.  When he was introduced to John Cleese, John
replied, "Well, you'd better cut down then."

"What?" asked Smoke-Too-Much.

CLEESE:      I said you'd better cut down then.

Mr. S.T.M:   I'm sorry?


Mr. S.T.M:   (still not getting it) I beg your pardon?

CLEESE:      I said, YOU'D BETTER CUT DOWN THEN!   Smoke... too...
             much...  so you'd better cut down then!

Mr. S.T.M:   (understanding slowly dawning) Smoke...  Too...
             Much...  So... I'd better cut down...
             Oh yes!  I see!  Hahahahahahah!

John:        I suppose you get that a lot.

Mr. S.T.M:   No, I'd never noticed it before.

Ed Heil
Worship the potato? The idea seemed silly to me. But then
I thought, what else is more deserving of worship? It's simple,
it comes from the earth, and it can kill you if you disobey it.
   -- Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey (Saturday Night Live - NBC)

J. Barefoot wrote:
> > Thank you. I suppose it is an adjective, but maybe that's a perk of not > having gender - you can't tell gender for sure, but you don't have to > nit-pick. It is also just my name. Yes, my real name, Barefoot, as in > that's what's on my birth cerificate and Social Security card. You would
> believe how many people ask me to spell it. "Your name's what? Could you > spell that?" "No, I won't. Didn't you pass third grade?" And if one more > person says, "Well why are you wearing shoes?" and laughs hysterically,
> they're the first one to come up with that, I honestly don't know what I'll > do to them, but it will be very not-nice! > > On the upside, it's easy to traslate into my conlangs. My name in Asiteya: > Ataiyu Yakoahu Peniya > > > Jennifer > > ___________________________________________________________ > English is, like, my best, um, thing, y'know? - my 13 year-old neighbor > > > _______________________________________________________________ > Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit >