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Re: con-translation (was: Semitic/Celtic Ties)

From:John Fisher <john@...>
Date:Saturday, March 13, 1999, 5:43
In message <l03130300b30eff0bb423@[]>, "Raymond A. Brown"
<raybrown@...> writes

> The Psykhro Inscription is thus named because it found near Psykhro on > the Lasithi plateau in Crete.
> For those who would like to find 'proof' that their conlang was
> used in Crete of the 3rd cent. BC - and for others - I give a > transliteration of the inscription.
I was a bit surprised by your translation, as it's clear to me that the inscription is in fact written in an archaic form of Elet Anta. My own command of archaic EA is pretty sketchy, but the inscription is not very difficult. epioi ep - be simple, uncomplicated; the modern EA is _epen_, having acquired -en "person" as a suffix. Here in attributive form -o - quality, character; here in attributive form "of simple character, of ordinary rank" zETanTE sec - this tanat - day; here in the form indicating until (this is not used with tanat in the modern language). The attributive (needed here) is not indicated "until today" enetE en - person, people enta - be at the front of; here in form indicating movement towards "came to the front of" par - boy siPai shif - left a - folk, nation; here in attributive form Or possibly this is a name.
> RE-A-NJA (the three symbols)
The three linear symbols should in fact be read LO-A-NA Note that Linear B and the other syllabaries of the area do not distinguish between /l/ and /r/. This is clearly the name of the Anta goddess Loarna. Thus the text in fact reads: "The boy (or prince) of the Left-Hand Folk, of ordinary rank until today, comes to lead the people. LOARNA." Matching it to the modern EA: Epenyoye setanirvey enente par Shifaye. Loarna. epioi zETanTE enetE par siPai LO-A-NA Or if siPai is a name: "The boy (or prince) Sipai, of ordinary rank until today, comes to lead the people. LOARNA." For a further discussion of EA connections with several language groups in Europe, see V. Wolf and T. Carroway, _Antaye Leshsu Eropalpey_, in a forthcoming number of _Resecsu Antaa_ (communicated personally). [[No words were invented for this, btw]] --John -- John Fisher