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Re: Tolkien language(s) question

From:Carsten Becker <gitarrenklampfer@...>
Date:Wednesday, September 3, 2003, 18:50
I read the Sindarin grammar on Ardalambion (one reason that brought me to
conlanging), but there's *so* much still unknown about Sindarin - the patent
lasts until 2030 (????very very very unsure!!!!) I think I read. So my
children might be able to learn it. OK, 2030 I'm "only" 44 that's not much
today, especially after reading a bit of that "age..." topic where some
people are about 50 y/o IIReadC. Aged 17 is peanuts against this. I started
with reading the Quenya course, but it has 300 pages ... and all English ...
I read  till page 50? 60? I don't know anymore, but then I haven't felt like
reading this anymore.