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Re: OT: Reduplication enquiry

From:Dirk Elzinga <dirk_elzinga@...>
Date:Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 21:41
On Wednesday, September 10, 2003, at 02:41  AM, Peter Bleackley wrote:
> > In Nahuatl, if I remember correctly, it's papalotl (I remeber this > from a > house in Teotihuacan known, from its Quatzal and butterfly > decorations, as > the House of Quetzal-Papalotl). Shall we start a linguistic butterfly > collection?
Your Nahuatl is correct (I just looked it up). Other Uto-Aztecan butterfly words: Shoshoni: waayapputunkih Kaibab Paiute: aïcïvïtsi (<ï> = <barred-i>, <c> = <long-s>) Luiseño: avéllaka Hopi: povolhoya (monarch: hookona) And an Athabaskan butterfly word: Navajo: k'aalógii Dirk -- Dirk Elzinga "I believe that phonology is superior to music. It is more variable and its pecuniary possibilities are far greater." - Erik Satie


John Cowan <cowan@...>Butterfly (was: Reduplication enquiry)
Peter Bleackley <peter.bleackley@...>