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Re: OT naming customs

From:Aquamarine Demon <aquamarine_demon@...>
Date:Thursday, December 20, 2001, 23:03
>Also, what's the story behind people's names on the list? Are you named >after family members, or otherwise?? > >Dan
Well, my first name comes from my mom's favorite uncle, my great-uncle, who's name was John. I got the feminine form, Johna (which is pronounced the same as John except for the "a" at the end...). However, for some reason, my family (and no one else, for that matter, unless they're trying to annoy me) doesn't call me Johna, I go by my middle name, Noelle. I'm not sure where that came from... probably a story behind it. Our family (meaning my mom's side; I don't see my dad's side much, and I don't really know them) tries to name their children after family members. My mom's middle name was her mom's middle name. My sister's middle name is the feminine form of Lee, another great uncle or something; her's is Lea (she got jipped on her 1st name though; my parents got it off an order form for kid's bike license plates, so it's pretty common). So, that's about it, really. ===== The Aquamarine Demon Gesám ayi mozuká. Gesám dohíng mozuká. Gesám adohíng mozuká! __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Check out Yahoo! Shopping and Yahoo! Auctions for all of your unique holiday gifts! Buy at or bid at