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Re: PLAIN TEXT!!! was Re: Babel Text in Durin

From:David Starner <starner@...>
Date:Sunday, January 20, 2002, 3:01
On Sat, Jan 19, 2002 at 08:18:52PM -0600, Danny Wier wrote:
> Does that mean ASCII as in 7-bit, or is Latin-1 okay? (I know in 1997 it > wasn't, but that was quite a long time ago.)
Latin-1 won't display on a EUC-JP/SJIS or KOI8-R system (i.e. Russians and Japanese) any better than UTF-8 will, and I've noticed a number of messages, from here and elsewhere, that were apparently Latin-1, but got mangled or were mislabeled and were hence undisplayable. -- David Starner -, dvdeug/ (Jabber) Pointless website: When the aliens come, when the deathrays hum, when the bombers bomb, we'll still be freakin' friends. - "Freakin' Friends"