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Re: OT: Icelandic help

From:Lars Finsen <lars.finsen@...>
Date:Friday, May 9, 2008, 14:32
Den 5. mai. 2008 kl. 21.24 skreiv David J. Peterson:
> > In fact, there have been studies on > the speech rate of various languages, and some languages are > spoken more quickly than others (Japanese is one of the quickest, > and American English is pretty slow).
Some of the quickest languages I know are without stress. I wonder how general this is. It strikes me as probable as well that quick languages may lose some of the distiction between long and short vowels, and would tend to simplify diphthongs. I've had Urianian go through one or two such phases. For example, thw vowel shifts in highland Urianian are the same for long and short vowels, while in lowland Urianian, long and short vowels are shifted differently. This suggests that highland Urianian has lost at least some of the long/short distinction before the vowel shifts. LEF


Eugene Oh <un.doing@...>