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Re: weekly vocab

From:Padraic Brown <agricola@...>
Date:Monday, April 8, 2002, 23:36
Am 29.03.02, Aidan Grey yscrifef:

We'll try Kerno and Talarian

> 1. birch (the tree)
_la bethula_ *** No birch trees in Teleran. It's mostly plain; and they've spent the last 2500 years or so wandering the steppes.
> 2. werewolf / lycanthrope of some variety
_refacer y rhennes_; literally to "change one's (hide) clothing"; covers all kinds of shapeshifting. There are many kinds of shapeshifting in folklore, not just lycanthropy. Werewolves are popular in pulp fiction, along with vampires and such. Strictly speaking, this kind of werewolf is 'il loupes-virs'. *** Depending on which spell created him, he's either "welho:wirus" or "hawirowelhas". I.e., wolfman or manwolf. Wolfmen are common features of Talarian folk story; largely appearing in bit parts. There is no Werewolf literature as such; wolfmen are just background occult like any number of pixies and sprites.
> 3. to save (money)
_gouerponer l' argeonte_; literally to "put the money up". Probably due to the tradition of putting money up the chimeny or up in the inglenook. You can also _bouther l'argeont dom banc_; to "put the money to the bank". *** The concept is not native. Such money as a family may have is generally stored in a box near the hearth. Not _too_ close, as you don't want the notes to fall in - Hakniyyas forbid!
> 4. to conquer
vencer, soervencer *** carnam, to fight (thoroughly to the logical conclusion) I guess if you didn't win, you didn't really fight! The -n- is an augmentive affix, generally magnifying the scope of the root. In this case, the root is cara-, which simply means fight or scuffle.
> 5. motif
la thema; il motif *** Not a native concept as such. At least not as it's commonly used. They'd use words like "melody" for musical motif; "phrase" for a written motif.
> Aidan


Douglas Koller, Latin & French <latinfrench@...>