Dans un courrier dat=E9 du 04/10/99 23:13:46 , Tal a =E9crit :
> Anyways, how -do- you do relative clauses in your conlangs? Here's
> something for y'all to translate... (substitute words when necessary...)
> =20
like you do :
relative REL (=3D THAT) + resumptive RES (=3D IT/HER) + closer (=3D END)
> rel. subject:
> "The dog that saw the cat was large."
> =20
the dog THAT (she) saw the cat END (she) was large
> rel. object:
> "The dog saw the cat that killed the mouse."
> =20
the dog saw the cat THAT (she) killed the mouse END
> nested:
> "The dog that saw the cat that killed the mouse that was large drank
> from the river that John put the poison in."
> =20
the dog THAT saw the cat THAT (she) killed the mouse THAT (she) was large EN=
(she) drank from the river THAT john put the poison in IT END
> rel. indirect object:
> "The dog that John gave the ball to."
> =20
the dog THAT john gave the ball to HER END
> rel. oblique:
> "The mouse that the cat chewed on."=20
the mouse THAT the cat chewed on HER END
> "The cat that the dog was bigger than."
> =20
the cat THAT the dog was bigger than HER END
> rel. posessor:
> "The dog saw the cat whose teeth were huge."
> =20
the dog saw the cat THAT theeth of HER were huge END