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Re: 'out-' affix in conlangs?

From:Benct Philip Jonsson <bpj@...>
Date:Tuesday, August 12, 2008, 10:32
On 2008-08-12 Herman Miller wrote:
 > That would also work for "Jim" Żim ['dz\im],
 > although "John" Żaan ['dza:n] is less
 > recognizable. Žaan ['Za:n] is another
 > possibility.

Would /dzja:n/ be possible?

In Swedish all foreign sounds spelled _j_ tend to
become [j]. This was not always so: French words
with [Z] used to get [S] or [x] depending on
dialect. _Juste_ even got respelled _schyst_, as
it was mainly a slang word.

Beijing is still _Peking_ ['pe:kiN] in Swedish.

Now explain why _Norrköping_ can also be
pronounced ['pe:king]!

AFMOC most of them have [dZ] or [dz\] type
affricates, because I like affricates and anti-
affricates [st St s\t zd Zd z\d] etc.

The greatest hassle when adapting modern names
to Sohlob is that they must obey vowel harmony
and syllable structure, so _James_ becomes
_Djaemas_ /dz\&mas/, or possibly _Djaeyomas_
/dz\&jQmas/, _Georgia_ > _Djordjah_ or _Djurdjeh_
if you for some reason want to preserve the [@]
in the second syllable (which is unlikely)
or _Kartvaeldar_ /kartv&ldar/ if it's the now
afflicted Caucasian country, since I try to
use native forms (-dar/-der is a Sohlob
suffix, though), Beijing _Beyedjing_
/bi\ji\dz\iN/ Göteborg _Yaetaebor_,
Athens _Esine_ (Greece) _Aethanas_ (US)
Washington _Vosjaenton_, New York _Nuyurg_,
Paris _Perih_, Moscow _Maskofah_.
Maria _Maraeyah_, Charles _Tjarlos_ (_Tjas_?)

NB Sohlob vowel harmony is a height harmony.
The vowels of a non-compound word must be
all high or all low, and _e_ is the high vowel /i\/.

/BP 8^)>
Benct Philip Jonsson -- melroch atte melroch dotte se
  "C'est en vain que nos Josués littéraires crient
  à la langue de s'arrêter; les langues ni le soleil
  ne s'arrêtent plus. Le jour où elles se *fixent*,
  c'est qu'elles meurent."           (Victor Hugo)


Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Eugene Oh <un.doing@...>
Herman Miller <hmiller@...>