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Re: [announce] Invented Languages magazine

From:ROGER MILLS <rfmilly@...>
Date:Friday, May 30, 2008, 17:48
Eugene Oh wrote:
>Then again, it'd be like playing crossword with a dictionary/thesaurus by >your side. Not so much challenging as tedious! Though the idea is >appealing. >Perhaps for just one conlang?
One could play Conlang Scrabble, either in a single language, or allow any word from any conlang (not too big a phonology, please). Has anyone tried "international" Scrabble, where any foreign word (in Roman chars.) is allowed?? (The various official Scrabble dictionaries do contain lots of unfamiliar foreign words) I was just told that ESPN is airing a spelling bee, and that some poor kid flubbed on "festschrift"-- seems to me that allowing rather specialized foreign words in a US contest is not nice. I didn't hear that word until I was in grad. school, already in my 30s :-)


Arthaey Angosii <arthaey@...>
Adam Walker <carrajena@...>