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Re: Inclusive or exclusive?

From:Isaac Penzev <isaacp@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 10:05
Thanks to everybody who replied.
I was looking for natlang examples, esp. from the Native/AmerInd langs, so I
really appreciate Dirk's illustrations:

> Shoshoni distinguishes three numbers, singular, dual, and plural, and > distinguishes 1st person dual and plural inclusive and exclusive. The > forms are: > > ne (1sing); neweh (1du.excl), taweh (1du.incl); nemmen (1pl.excl), > tammen (1pl.incl)
Thus, _nantay_ would correspond to Shoshoni _nemmen_, while for 1pl.incl I would need a different root. Maybe I'll need to introduce dual, too. At least in the pronouns. -- Yitzik