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Re: CHAT: Ebonic Xmass

From:Raymond Brown <ray.brown@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 12, 2000, 18:44
At 1:37 pm -0500 12/1/00, Padraic Brown wrote:
>I'm with you on this one.
Count me in also with John, Terrence & you! [snip]
> >I think you might find yourself in the majority, this time, David.
I most certainly hope, David, that Padraic is right.
>On Wed, 12 Jan 2000, The Gray Wizard wrote: > >>I may be in a minority here (I usually am), but I found this post extremely >>objectionable.
Ray. ========================================= A mind which thinks at its own expense will always interfere with language. [J.G. Hamann 1760] =========================================