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Circumcision (bit o' length here)

From:Douglas Koller, Latin & French <latinfrench@...>
Date:Thursday, February 28, 2002, 23:16
I, the Kou, wrote:

>A Körülmetélés > > Az ötezer-hétszáztizenhatodik esztendo" Tevet havának végén Singer >Robi gondterhelten igyekezett hazafelé a Sztálin hídon, a >harminchármas villamoson szorongó tömegben. A Sábesz már véget ért, >ahogy az árvaházban szokták mondani, kiment, s így o" lelkifurdalás >nélkül ülhetett villamosra. Mégis jobb szerette volna, ha történesen >tavasz van, Íjár vagy legalább Niszán hónapja, mert akkor öt óra tájt >világos, azaz még Sábesz lévén, mindenképpen gyalog kelt volna át a >Sztálin hídon, s gyalog ment volna tovább a Váci úton, egészen a Marx >térig. > Tavasz közeledten Balla nevelo" úr lelkére kötötte növendékeiknek, >pontosabban a félárváknak és azoknak az egészárváknak, akiket >nagyszülo" várt otthon, hogy tartsák tiszteletben a szombatot. Nem >mintha olyan nagy bu"n volna az, ha valaki tizenkét éves korában >tilos ido"ben villamosra száll, csakhogy a kis bu"nökbo"l lesznek a >nagy bu"nök, a bocsánatosakból a megbocsáthatatlanok. "A Sábeszt >zsidó embernek még egy lakatlan szigeten is tisztelnie kell", >mondogatta. Igen, szo"tte tovább ezt a gondolatát, ha Robinson >történesen unsereiner lett volna, akkor pénteken holdkeltéto"l talán >még a melléje szego"döt derék vadembert is Szombatnak szólította, és >okvetlenül sábeszgójként alkamazta volna, tekintettel arra, hogy az >ember sehol sincs teljesen egyedül, azaz jótékony isteni felügyelet >nélkül.
I haven't seen Ferenc's name around recently and I don't know if there are any other Hungarian speakers to keep me in check. Which means, gentle readers, that you'll have to cope with my loosey-goosey English translation. Here's what I came up with: In the year 5716 ([Kou note] roughly from the 4th quarter of 1955 to the 3rd quarter of 1956) at the end of the snows of Tevet ([Kou note] 5th month of the Jewish calendar, I think), Robi Singer was anxiously hurrying home on the Stalin bridge, in a packed crowd on the #33 streetcar. The Sabbath had already reached its end, as they used to say in the ophanage, "went away", and he was able to get on the streetcar without a pang of guilt/conscience. He would have preferred it, if it happened to be spring, the month of Íjár or at least Niszán ([Kou note] 8th and 9th months respectively; don't know but assume they're spelled a little differently in English), because then it's light at around five o'clock, that is to say it's still the Sabbath, and he would have by all means crossed the Stalin bridge on foot and have gone further on foot on Vaci Street, even as far as Marx Square. At the arrival of spring, the teacher, Mr. Balla, impressed on his students, more precisely the half-orphans and those whole-orphans for whom a grandparent was waiting at home, to hold Saturday in respect. It's not that it would have been such a big sin if someone at the age of twelve had taken a streetcar during the prohibited time, but from small sins came big sins, and from the forgiveable the unforgiveable. "Jewish people have to respect the Sabbath even on a deserted island," he used to say over and over. Indeed, he took the thought further, if Robinson had happened to be an "unsereiner" ([Kou note] "a one of ours-er" [ie: Jewish]), then perhaps at sundown (moonrise?) on Friday he would have even called the noble savage who tagged along with him "Saturday" and would surely have used him as a "Sabbath goy" ([Kou note] ie: a non-Jew who will do work for Jews on the Sabbath; is this the correct term in English/Yiddish?), as man is not completely alone anywhere, that is to say, without God's beneficent overseeing/care/supervision.
>The Géarthnuns translation: > >Chöi Aithechafats > > Che sömöthsev palavpér zhöshekashad mnörhalfíthev che vangkathsev >cha knönsas Tevetsöis, Singer Robibauths lé cha Stalinhagensav che >içtöthsen toumnö toufíthen sü tsönöksüb sthírhözalöküb bö chö béöbsöv >öthalala-u semeferhakekh. Cha líns löi che vangkathsev stévü thlefez, >arsfen seth lév chö gbaulíbéöbsöv ba ngamath tsobal, dínakadiz, kfö >hengeveçö seth lé, arzhö vau kföshemsaut fö sírakhsön venala-u, che >içtöthset lomashöth. Seth lé öblé helkeveçö vürhí hehasheth, aim seth >lé hauthnövesteben, che fastöthsev Ííarsaub thfau hetaum pézçada >Nisansab thfau, vaçte helkeftö seth la cha thrönsav palavfínav ilkeu >dínamöl, arthfaié cha líns la sfa-u nöi. Jröçai seth lé cha >Stalinhagensat chaul sförsaug vürhí hesföngez, kfö lé chaul sförsaug >chau Vatsígersauv klepa-u íe, chí Marksfteríölsíb rho, vürhí hekadiz. > Chau stefalörsauv Bala abs, öinörs chau, lé chek frömarethsel, >zhrüköi chauk ömgbaulsíl zhö chauk gbaulsíl ersfanelíl helkelíl, >chílích sau gazhbéörs lé chö béöbsöv ösef sho, gü rheth lé dalroksüt >hüdhvigön sho, aptavön. Ve helkegs la, gü chü helkeks la sü >zhagölengeks zharíök vdanak vürhí henöi, aim shahöcheths che >sömöthsev mnö pungefíthev la che içtöthset se jdaiöthsev seuglöthev >haurhöisaf sho, jnéal, arkfö chük zhagölengeksüd küvaküd íau chük >zhagölengeksüp zharíöküp lü, chük ngílönkalokhalöksüd íau chük >tushngílönkalokhalöksüp lü zçenöi. "Vauk íalömsaup íehudamaup la va >lípsat fö ngefakhsöv fsaineçökhöv tsétekhöv ba dhvigön ten." söb lé >baudangé ngamath. Erhí, seth lé che tlethset hengethet znölön; Kruso >Raubinsöns lé sau "unserainers" haunöi sho, chí rhíanapwalsív >dalinsas san lé chau íalörsaut zçíöveraut höi sanat bözçélathélöraut >"Dalroksüb" sfen petü vürhí hedaz, kfö sauraut se línagoibauthseb >sfen zverü vürhí hehin.
chöi the [3rd declension, affirmative, singular] aithechafats circumcision [3rd decl., aff., nominative, sing.] che the [7th declension, affirmative, singular] sömöthsev year [7th decl., aff., locative, sing.] palavpér 5000 zhöshekashad 700 mnörhalfíthev 16th [7th decl., aff., loc., sing.] vangkathsev end [7th decl., aff., loc., sing.] cha the [4th decl., aff., sing.] knönsas snow [4th decl., aff., genitive, sing.] Tevetsöis Tevet [3rd decl., aff., gen., sing.] Singer Robibauths Robi Singer [7th decl., aff., nom., sing.] ("-bauths" is a suffix for people with names of foreign origin that don't fit into the Géarthnuns declension system) lé past tense hagensav bridge [4th decl., aff., loc., sing.] içtöthsen streetcar, tram [7th decl., aff., instrumental, sing.] toumnö 30 toufíthen 3rd [7th decl., aff., instrumental, sing.] sü a, an [5th decl., aff., sing.] tsönöksüb crowd [5th decl., aff., postpositional, sing.] sthírhözalöküb pressing [5th decl., aff., postpositional, sing.] bö in chö the [1st decl., aff., sing.] béöbsöv house [1st decl., aff., loc., sing.] (locative has locative, allative, and ablative functions when context is clear) öthalala-u worryingly semeferhakekh rush back líns Sabbath [4th decl., aff., nom., sing.] (yes, I already had this word) löi pluperfect tense stévü already thlefez reach, arrive arsfen as seth he/she/it [7th decl., aff., nom., sing.] lév past tense [impersonal voice] (with "seth", translates like French "on" or German "man") gbaulíbéöbsöv orphanage [1st decl., aff., loc., sing.] ba verbal linker (like "to", "zu", "te", "att", etc.) ngamath say tsobal be accustomed to/used to dínakadiz go out kfö and (links verbs or clauses) hengeveçö thus, in this way seth he/she/it [7th decl., aff., nom., sing.] (refers back to "Robibauths") arzhö but (links nouns, adjectives, postpositional phrases, etc.) (since we're changing polarity mid-clause (ie: from affirmative to negative), this is required here in Géarthnuns) vau the [2nd decl., neg., sing.] kföshemsaut conscience [2nd decl., neg., accusative, sing.] fö a, an [1st decl., neg., sing.] sírakhsön moment [1st decl., neg., instr., sing.] (partitive constructions are formed with the instrumental case; here, a moment of conscience/a pang of guilt) venala-u having içtöthsen streetcar, tram [7th decl., aff., acc., sing.] lomashöth get on öblé but, however (must immediately follow the auxiliary) helkeveçö thus, in that way vürhí (adverb marking a contrary-to-fact statement; with the conclusive mood, it's like "would" or "would have", depending on tense) hehasheth prefer [concl. mood] aim if hauthnövesteben happen to be spring [speculative mood] (thnöve- is a prefix meaning "by happenstance") fastöthsev month [7th decl., aff., loc., sing.] Ííarsaub Ijar/Iyar? [2nd decl., aff., post., sing.] (double letters are not normally allowed but two íí's were needed here to get the /ijar/ sound) thfau namely, that is (a postposition in Géarthnuns; you can translate it as "of" in constructions like "the month of May") hetaum or pézçada at least Nisansab Nisan/Nissan? [4th decl., aff., post., sing.] vaçte because helkeftö then, at that time thrönsav hour [4th decl., aff., loc., sing.] palavfínav fifth [4th decl., aff., loc., sing.] ilkeu about, approximately, around (adverb used with numerical adjs.) dínamöl be light (weather expressions take "seth" as their dummy subject with the auxiliary in the active voice) arthfaié that is to say sfa-u still nöi be jröçai by all means hagensat bridge [4th decl., aff., acc., sing.] chaul the [2nd decl., aff., dual] sförsaug shoes [2nd decl., aff., instr., dual] ("chaul sförsaug"; "on foot") hesföngez cross [concl. mood] gersauv street [2nd decl., aff., loc., sing.] klepla-u far íe more chí the [6th decl., aff., sing.] fteríölsíb public square [6th decl., aff., post., sing.] rho as far as, up to hekadiz go [concl. mood] Well, that's the first paragraph at least. Real life is rapping, rapping at my chamber door. Bis morgen y'all Kou


Y.Penzev <isaacp@...>